WITHIN! Filming · Come, you'll have a great time · if you don't go in, you won't savor all the good things that await you in life ·
ALEX BARCENILLA CHEFF and owner with Núria de Ziaboga Bistrot
When you come to ZIABOGA BISTROT, you will taste tasty seasonal dishes. Some of the generic menu will be missing, because ours: it is authentic seasonal cuisine.
From the garden, from the sea, from the mountain. We use products from the area in the preparation of our delicious dishes, so that you can enjoy them.
Nuria, Alex & Co, will attend you with care so that you can repeat your experience with us. People from here and there pass by ZIABOGA BISTROT. Everyone is welcome. We are at a crossroads of cultures, in the Koxkera area of Donibane, San Juan. The Camino de Santiago passes through here. Our French Basque friends love to visit us. They even come by catamaran with Amaiur, our captain friend. You will see the video.
Woody Allen recently shot a sequence from his film Rifkin Festival next door. We gave him assistance. And now we keep the red umbrella among the white umbrellas. As it appears in the movie.